Claim Your Event Special from SpeakerTunity®!

Featuring Members Only PLUS Your Speaker One Sheet!

What's Included in Members Only?

SpeakerTunity Members Only® is for experts and leaders choosing to focus on one specific aspect of speaking and client attraction!  Get Your Speaking Contacts & Visibility In One Place, with One Monthly Fee!

Your special membership features our Conference Connections directory along with:

  • A profile spotlighting you where bookers seeking speakers will find you on SpeakerTunity Speaker Showcase® 
  • 200+ experts at your disposal to help you succeed from any stage through the SpeakerTunity Resource Collective®
  • 2 communities of like-minded leaders to support you
  • Introduction to Book for You Virtual Assistants if you want someone to doing the booking for you!

What's Included in Your Speaker One Sheet?

SpeakerTunity Sheets provides affordable professionally-designed Speaker One-Sheets.  All you do is select the template and colors, submit information in the form, and our team designs the sheet for you!