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60 + Speaker Leads each month across North America, a quarterly regional city roundup, and a private Facebook Group with timely leads to jump on!

Only $35/month after your FREE MONTH!

We’ve got the Radio Shows that are receptive—and even eager—for transformational content! Broadcast, Satellite, Internet and Podcast. National and Local. 25+ contacts a month.

Only $35/month after your FREE MONTH!

Want to build your list? Virtual Summits are the way to do it! Find the ones aligned with your message and contact the host to get acquainted. Even if the current one is booked, now you’re on the list for future! Summit hosts delivered to you monthly.

Only $35/month after your FREE MONTH!

Your Free Gift In Connection with The Marketing Made Simple Giveaway

The Marketing Made Simple Giveaway runs from March 5th – March 26th.

Contributors offering raffles will choose the winners randomly and email winners by March 29th. Unless specified by the individual contributor, raffle winners have 30 days to claim their prize.

All "Marketing Made Simple" Giveaway contributors are independent business owners who are collaborating with the Giveaway promotion. However, each contributor is a separate and independent businesses entity.