Jackie Lapin Presents:

8 Ways to Sabotage Your Speaker One-Sheet

On Demand Webinar!

There are many critical mistakes that you can make when trying to impress speaker bookers...

That's exactly why I want to share my cautionary tale with you so that you're always putting your best foot forward, getting the credibility you deserve and showing why you are the best option for the booker's audience.

Your speaker one-sheet is one of your most important tools and if you don't have the right one, or you're not really sure what it should look like, then this session is very important for you!

Jackie Lapin

By the end of this session, you'll discover:

  • What a speaker one-sheet is and how it is critical to getting the bookings you want
  • The wrong ways to present yourself (along with the right ones) and how you can show off without bragging or putting the booker to sleep
  • How to make your presentation or speaking titles pack a memorable punch
  • The best types of calls-to-action to assure you're getting the biggest possible response

The on demand webinar is available now!