Become a SpeakerTunity™ Cities Partner and help your community get booked!

SpeakerTunity™ Cities connects speakers, experts, coaches, and business leaders with valuable contacts in the market of their choice!


What’s the biggest obstacle in getting your folks up on stages? They don’t know where to look and don’t want to do the research.

We’ve solved that...By giving them...

HUNDREDS—AND EVEN—THOUSANDS of contacts for speaking engagements right in the regions of their choice!

Meetings, Associations and Venues

And there’s more...

We’ve got a way for them to have Massive Impact...

The Ultimate Impact-Creating Booking Resource

For Experts, Coaches, Authors, Health Practitioners and Business Owners

The First Comprehensive Platform Giving Leaders Everything They Need to Insure Local Impact, Visibility and Authority Stature in Their Own Market ...And Beyond!

When you become a SpeakerTunity™ Cities Partner and Reseller you receive 30% commission:

30% Commission on:

SpeakerTunity Cities:

First Market:  $479

Additional Markets:  $395


Massive Impact After 1st City List Purchase:  $1,500

Massive Impact sold as a Single package including your 1st City List:  $1,999

If you would like to connect with Jackie Lapin or the SpeakerTunity Cities Partner/Reseller Relations Team, please submit your information here: