During these unique times, virtual speaking and networking opportunities are front and center!

For years, SpeakerTunity™ has been known for providing leads for live speaking, podcast, radio shows, and virtual summits...

Given this unique time in the world, we're now expanding to include Virtual Networking Opportunities as well!

All of these events occur on a regular or semi-regular basis.

Jackie Lapin

I'm Jackie Lapin, Expert Speaker and founder of SpeakerTunity™, SpeakerTunity Cities™, and Conscious Media Relations.  I provide thousands of speaker opportunities to leaders, authors and experts in the U.S. and Canada.

Over the years I've helped thousands of authors, speakers and transformational leaders get booked and get their message to the world in the way they deserve.

Just like every business, SpeakerTunity is changing to adapt to the current situation by bringing you more value than ever!

All of these events allow you to join for low or no cost to promote your products and services or make a FREE OFFER to encourage immediate connection with people you meet in breakout rooms and main room sessions.