Writing Your Empowering Speaker Biography!

Everyone desiring to get in front of an audience to promote themselves, their product/services, their podcasts or other expressions of their work, needs to have an Empowering Speaker Biography. This concise, but impactful few paragraphs will be the core of your speaker one sheet, podcast introduction sheet, stage introduction, media introduction and more.

But most people struggle with what actually to write and how to pack it in!

Jackie Lapin

This training video will make Writing Your Empowering Speaker Biography a breeze! Jackie Lapin, the founder of SpeakerTunity® and an expert in helping leaders get booked on stages, podcasts and more--will show you the formula!

I'm Jackie Lapin, Expert Speaker and founder of SpeakerTunity®, SpeakerTunity Cities®, and Conscious Media Relations.  I provide thousands of speaker opportunities to leaders, authors and experts in the U.S. and Canada.

Over the years I've helped thousands of authors, speakers and transformational leaders get booked and get their message to the world in the way they deserve.

Now it's time to help you get an empowering speaker biography!