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Truth, Lies, & Alzheimer’s – Its Secret Faces

Raising aware about what it's truly like living this disease and teaching family members and caregivers how to manage the day to day challenges that accompany Alzheimer's disease and dementia

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Speaker Details

Describe the work that you do.
When people suffer from Alzheimer's disease and dementia they lose their ability to communicate with others along with other cognitive abilities. I teach people how to bridge that disconnect by learning new ways to communicate with one another
Who do you serve/who is your preferred audience?
Family members and caregivers of those suffering from Alzheimer's and related dementia
How do you transform your audience?
I offer counter-intuitive solutions using real life stories and parallels that people can relate to
Presentation #1 Details
Learn the new language of dementia:
1.How to effectively communicate with your loved one suffering from dementia when they can no longer communicate with you.
2.The Secret Faces of Alzheimer's disease and dementia - How to reveal and react to them
3.What it's really like to live with Alzheimer's disease and dementia on day to day basis. It's not just memory loss and confusion.
4.Dispelling the myths and misperceptions about Alzheimer's disease
5.How to provide a fulfilling and meaningful life for someone living with Alzheimer's disease and dementia - It is possible after the diagnosis.
6.Getting to what really matters - spending quality time with your loved one by relieving and reducing the stress of coping with the disease itself.
Presentation #2 Details
What are the risk factors for a person's chances of developing Alzheimer's disease:
1.Known risk factors: The ones that are modifiable and the ones that are not modifiable, but manageable.
2.What can a person do to lower or minimize their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease?
3.What can a person do to m
Share any books you've written, films you've produced, etc.
Book #1, 2x best seller and award winner "Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost"
Book #2, brand new, just launched "Truth, Lies, & Alzheimer's - Its Secret Faces
Book #3, Truth, Lies & Alzheimer's - The Workbook
Truth, Lies, & Alzheimer's - The Training Course
Share any Certifications, Degrees, or Awards you have.
I hold a degree in Human Behavior
I am a certified Dementia Care Trainer through the Alzheimer's Association
I was recently name one of the 1000+ most inspirational women through the work I do through Linked-In and had my name placed in their corresponding directory listing all the names
My first book won an award for being one of the most inspirational books written in 2016 through the Living Now Awards
Why would a booker choose you (sell yourself a bit)?
Alzheimer's disease and related dementia are very complicated subjects. I explain it in a way that's relatable and easy to undertand.
Share any recommendations, reviews, or testimonials you have.
There are 160 reviews available to read on Good Reads for my books
What is your primary speaker business model?
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What is your minimum fee requested to speak?
What is the minimum audience size you require?
Will you travel to speak?
What is your speaking preference?
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