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Active Life

Life, well-lived. That means empowered thought, physical freedom, and emotional well being.

Speaker Information

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Public Phone Number
East Atlantic Beach
New York
United States
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Speaker Details

Describe the work that you do.
My life's work is creating opportunity for others to be successful where they otherwise may not have been. My company (Active Life) has helped over 10,000 people from around the world to get out of pain without going to the doctor or giving up their active life, and through the support of these clients, fitness professionals, and gym owners have come to learn how we do it. Now my company has three distinct divisions.

Rx: Helping people achieve a life well-lived without going to the doctor or giving up the activities they love.

ALP: Helping fitness professionals do for their clients what we do for ours. We wrote our own 800 page textbook, 996 question test, and recorded over 18 hours of content for candidates to consume and apply in an effort to truly provide consistent value and delivery on promises made to the end user client. Each of our candidates receive one-on-one mentorship that goes beyond the content, are members of a slack community, and have access to each-other, and our subject matter expert staff every work day through live video calls in small groups. Active Life is the most efficacious education and mentorship program for fitness professionals that the world has ever seen.

Pro Path: We mentor gym owners to become the leader that inspiring staff thrive working with. We help these leaders develop the business systems, incentive structures, and service offerings to attract, and serve the audience who we have been serving since 2014 in a safe and inspiring work environment for their staff.
Who do you serve/who is your preferred audience?
Fitness coaches
Gym owners
Corporate wellness minded C-Suite
midsize to large companies for internal development
How do you transform your audience?
I help them figure out who they are, who they want to be, why, and how to do it by telling them where to look without telling them what to see. We accomplish this through questions that only they can answer, and the sharing of the answers I landed on for my personal needs, and how I apply them.
Presentation #1 Details
I would build a presentation custom to the audience I'm speaking with. I do not have a canned presentation that goes from place to place.

Most recently:

Title: Building a successful business rooted in core values

I spoke with an audience of 750 people about building a successful business rooted in core values, vision, and mission.

I helped the audience quickly identify better communication constructs, explored examples in which they have acted our of alignment with their stated values, and offered them a simple way to start reconsidering why they do what they do.

At this event my talk preceded Eli Wilde and Alex Hormozi
Presentation #2 Details
I spoke with an audience of 50 gym owners representing over 200 locations.

Title: Marketing, the documentation of excellent service

- The reason why health insurance doesn't pay for personal training in their gyms is because their personal training is not valuable enough, and they know it. I asked them to imagine the biggest influencer in the world showing up at their gym for a personal training assessment and session. They would of course have with them a camera crew. All of the trainers names would be put in a hopper, and whoever came out would provide the session on the spot live streamed to millions. Then I asked them if they would want this to happen in their gym. They all knew the answer was no. They were bought in.

- I shared a testimonial clip from a client of a gym owner we work with and asked them all what they heard about the process that led to the testimonial. I took questions. I pointed some things out that were less obvious to them, then I asked again. None of the things I wanted them to see had anything to do with scripting of a testimonial (which they thought it did, we didn't give the client a script), all of the process elements I wanted them to notice were what must be true for that testimonial to happen at all. What the person said about how she found the gym, the training department, how her first session went, what she learned, what had to be true about the staff she connected with along the way, how the trainer met her where she was, etc. Then I asked them if their gym could do these things. The clear answer was no.

- I shared the key elements of good storytelling so that they could start sharing what they DO do well, right away while also sharing what they're working on and position it as a strength.

In this event my talk followed Liz Clarke, the president of IHRSA, who had just finished telling the gym owners why their personal training should be covered by health insurance.
Share any books you've written, films you've produced, etc.
Turn Pro -The fitness professional's guide to ethical sales and career fulfillment"
Share any Certifications, Degrees, or Awards you have.
I never chased these or paid for the awards and press clippings. I have a bachelors degree from university. of maryland and a doctorate from Northeast college of health sciences
Why would a booker choose you (sell yourself a bit)?
I'm the guy who delivers more value than you pay for, or expect. You have a social mixer for VIPs, I want to be there. You have a Q and A after the talk, I want to be there. I want to bring value to your audience and team the entire time I'm at your event, leading up to your event, and after your event. I have full time media staff who will create content to help promote your event on our channels, and to share how excellent it was after the fact. The better we can make your event look the better it makes me look for having been a speaker at it.

I'm the guy who will help your team and/or your clients figure out who they are, decide to pursue personal development, and become the most valuable version of themselves they could possibly be.

I think it's useful for people to know when I am NOT someone they should choose too.

Please do NOT choose me if:

- You want people who enjoy going through specific SOPs.
- You want people who are good at breaking down statistical data.
- You want people who build robust slide shows
- You allow people to pay to speak at your event
Share any recommendations, reviews, or testimonials you have.
You would get all of the confirmation about me that you need from:

Jason Phillips (Coachingcon)
Steve Stroka (Coachingcon)
Bobby Verdun (Active Entities)
Jeff Sanders (New York Fitness Association)
Don Murphy (Gold's gym)
Mike Bledsoe (Strong Coach Summit)

Should you want to speak with any of them I'm happy to make a warm introduction.
What is your primary speaker business model?
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What is your minimum fee requested to speak?
This completely depends on the audience makeup, volume, and location. There are events I'd do for the coverage of my travel expenses and there are events I'd charge $50,000 for. It depends what you're looking for.
What is the minimum audience size you require?
Will you travel to speak?
What is your speaking preference?
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