Resource Listing

BeauMonde_Originals_Philadelphia_photographer-133-900px BeauMonde_Originals_Philadelphia_photographer-133-900px

Your Video Meeting Advisor

When the pandemic struck, many professional speakers that I knew were announcing that they had the last of their gigs cancelled for that year. Since I have more than 8 years' experience with virtual events -- producing my own and for others -- I started offering free workshops for speakers to help them pivot from on stage to online. That project has grown and evolved into "The 75% Solution" where I help executives, speakers, and other experts make a better impression in video meetings and online presentations.


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About This Resource

What makes you special or unique? Why do customers choose you?
I have the experience in both technology and speaking. I've made my career on explaining complex concepts to a wide range of audiences, so that they can put the ideas to immediate practical use.

I stress authenticity in myself and my clients, who appreciate my accessibility and support at least as much as they value my knowledge and skill.
Name of the Product or Service You Offer
Video meeting advisor service
Description of the Product or Service You Offer
My clients understand the three fundamental principles of any online meeting or presentation: Be Seen, Be Heard, and Minimize Distractions. I do not offer any courses or programs; everything is customized based on my clients' experience, skill level, equipment, and budget. I create an individualized solution that follows my principle of the "Three I's of Improvement": Incremental, Intentional, and Impactful.

As a professional speaker myself, I speak your language and understand your challenges. Whether you are going to deliver a virtual presentation, or you want to stand out in a video meeting interview with a meeting planner, I can have an immediate impact on the impression you make on screen.
Direct Link to Your Specific Product or Service (MUST include https://)